TheU, TheMe, TheTaylorChase

We all know that The Students’ Union exists. We all probably also know that our President is Taylor Chase (you know, the guy who does cardio hip hop with the guy who DOES cardio hip hop). But do we really know what the U does? Who is Taylor Chase. And what are they all doing for us?


First, let’s get the business out of the way.

  • Yesterday, there was an Annual General Meeting for TheU! This was a great opportunity for all students to get involved in what TheU is doing and how they can do more for US, the students. It sounds like a long, boring event. But SPOILER: it wasn’t. When opportunities are available to voice your opinion, you can’t do nothing and still complain.
    • Do you care about drinking culture at StFX? Do you care about equity and diversity? You probably should have answered yes to at least one of those questions. The only way to represent a variety of students is to have a variety of students speak their mind. Represent the people! Be the people!
  • TheU is also working really hard to facilitate opportunities for all students. When you, as a student, want to see something changed on campus, approach them! They’ll act as a mechanism to mobilize your ideas and bring them to fruition. That’s right folks, your ideas, becoming realities, if only you bring them to their attention.
  • There’s even a fund that goes to students looking to bring new initiatives to campus. The Council Initiatives fund allows students to come to council and pitch a proposal and request a certain amount of money. Council will vote on the idea based on how it benefits campus. (Another great reason to really think about who you want to vote onto council). The ideas for this are basically limitless! Did you know that there are solar panels on the SUB roof? That’s because a request was made and TheU worked with the university to make that happen. Have an idea for a conference or keynote speaker that would benefit a variety of students? Bring it to campus.

TheU really is making it possible for all students to get involved and make a difference.


But who is this guy that helps make these initiatives possible? Well truly, it’s a whole team of people, but the face of the people, is Taylor Chase.

As a 4th year Econ student, he knows a little something about hard work, which is clear in the “business” above. But who is he really??

Well, Taylor is neither “Kenny’s” nor “The Wheel.” He prefers the Greco Party Pizza. *Collective gasp*. Although The Wheel has a “superb” crust, and Kenny’s chicken burgers are great, he says the economical value of Greco can’t be beat. You have to respect an economist’s perspective, eh? Although the money might be the initial factor, Taylor also says that party pizzas have social benefits of well. They’re inviting and bring people together! (Just like TheU!)

And now, to answer what I’m sure you’ve all been dying to know- if he were a type of fruit, what would he be? (Editor’s note: I’d like to point out that Taylor dove into this completely unprompted. Therefore, it must be a topic he really cares about.)

If he were to be a fruit, he’d be a mango. Because they are smooth on the outside, but have a tough skin that you need to peel away (which takes time), but when you get inside it’s one of the sweetest fruits you can find. But that sweetness doesn’t last forever. Eventually you hit the pit. Some people like pits and some don’t. To each their own. When you think of mangoes, you think exotic or different which directly relates to his love to travel and ambition to travel when he’s done at X and to have as many mangoes as he can possibly find. Mangoes are a vibrant fruit. Just the colour of them— vibrant. Mangoes are versatile. You can have them in salsa, fruit salad, in chicken. Mangoes are me.*

As always, if you have any ideas, questions, concerns, comments, for any member of the Students’ Union Executive or Council members, you can find them on the 4th floor of the SUB. We know it can be a little daunting to walk into that section, especially if you don’t know any of them. But I can honestly say, they are friendly, inviting, and genuinely care about each student. So take a deep breath, walk up those stairs, (take another deep breath because stairs are hard), and voice your opinion. Even if you hate mangoes.

*He also loves and accepts all other types of fruits. Eg. Blueberries have roots in Nova Scotia, are a SUPER fruit. However, he advises staying away from black watermelon pits.

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